A guide to starting your handmade journey

If you’re someone who is new to the handmade community then this is the article for you. It might not be easy if you haven’t learned any crafts before, to just pick up a needle or crochet hook and start making. But you’ve come to the right place. Whether you are a beginner, someone who has made for years or just looking to learn a little more then keep reading. 


One of the first steps to getting started on your handmade journey is to try different techniques. You can do this by watching tutorials, asking any friends who handmake for tips and advice or just simply experiment with materials and see what you come up with. By having a play around with techniques such as embroidery, knitting and crocheting you may find one that sticks and is perfect for you.


After finding a hobby or craft that you enjoy and you feel as though you can connect with, keep practising. It’s not enough to do it once and say you’ve tried, keep at it and you will develop your skills and it will begin to feel much easier. This is an important step as it makes something that was once potentially daunting, feel like a walk in the park, if you will. 

Join a community

Joining communities such as our one here at Rejig is also a great way to keep going on your handmade journey. Reading about others who handmake and any advice they have will help you learn more and more. Engaging in these communities is a great way to support other people but also get support in return. Someone may be able to give you ideas or teach you tricks you might not have found looking in generic places online. In order to become a master of your craft it’s all about using your community to learn and share.

Why stop there?

The final step of your handmade journey is to branch out. Say you’ve got really good at crocheting scarves, your basic skills are pretty much mastered but why stop there? You could find a free pattern online, much like as we saw with JW Anderson and THAT Harry Styles cardigan. It’s crucial to keep making and seeing where your new skill can take you, and if you enjoy  it then it makes no sense to give up!

By following these steps you can get started on your handmade journey and take up a new hobby or craft. It’s also great because you might be able to make your own clothes one day and create things like that of the pros in the community.  

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