Hand embroidery: Inside Library of Thread

Created from her home in Manchester, Abi Evans’ Library of Thread brings slow, hand embroidered fashion. Her side business started after a move away from London in 2019 to live a more slow paced life and with a hobby to match. Using hand embroidery as a way to practice mindfulness, Evans’ dabbled in the craft after trying a few things. But high demand from friends and family helped grow this hobby into Library of Thread in 2020 after a year of [almost daily] hand embroidering. 

Sustainable fashion is important now more than ever, especially to Evans who told Rejig: “Library of Thread is built around slow and sustainable fashion as it’s so important to me. In terms of the industry, I feel saddened that we currently live in a world where ‘trends’ and ‘fads’ have led to fast, disposable fashion which is wrecking our planet. Equally, sustainable fashion brands can be unaffordable for many people so there has to be a happy balance.”

When speaking about this balance and what people can do to support the slow fashion industry, Evans added: “I like to think that balance comes from mindful purchases, wearing and cherishing our clothes for as long as we can and buying items that, not only will last many years, but will outlive seasonal trends and help form a unique style for whoever is wearing them.”

You can't get slower than hand embroidery, some of my designs take upwards of 20 hours to hand embroider!"

Using just a needle to bring hand drawn concepts to life, Evans takes inspiration from mother nature with designs based around plants, leaves and flowers, mostly adapted from photos she takes when hiking. 

All my designs are unique, no two are the same. My personal favourite design is my chilli pepper sweatshirt which I couldn’t resist keeping for myself and I wear it all the time,” Evans said.

Working from her living room during evenings and weekends, Evans’ still has a creative process for making unique designs. 

“Every design begins with drawing up a design free hand. Once I’ve got my design I select the garment, transfer my design, pick my threads and get stitching! When I finish it, I sew in a label with my sewing machine, snap some pics then upload it to Etsy. Once it sells I pack it up in plastic free packaging and pop it in the post ready for it to make its way to its new owner.”

Her living room isn’t just that, she describes it as a “cosy sanctuary” that’s decorated and filled with all her favourite things.

Must haves for her creative process according to Abi Evans.

Evans plans to let Library of Thread grow naturally as a business and adds her makes so far “all hold a special place in my heart.” 

If she had to pick a favourite make to date Evans said: “My lavender filled hand embroidered eye pillows because I get pretty bad migraines and they always help me to feel better and relax after a long day.”

All images used in this article are courtesy of @libraryofthread.

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